Imago Dei Prison Ministry

Imago Dei Prison Ministry

About us

ID Prison Ministry is a Christian charity, committed to equipping prisoners to unlock and live in their God given potential, set free from their past, knowing their true value and identity in life.

We want to equip and empower people to live with purpose, enabling them to make better life choices and to live as valuable members of the community. This in turn has a knock-on effect on mental wellbeing, family-life and society, as well as helping to reduce re-offending.

We currently work in three women's prisons alongside Chaplaincy departments facilitating various different courses and providing pastoral support and care for individuals.

Over the years, we have seen more and more, the need for suitable accommodation for women leaving prison, a place where there is ongoing support and basic life skills training. We are planning on opening accommodation in the South East of England as soon as possible. Please consider donating and supporting our Grace House project.

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